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I wasn’t quite certain what the mood for this month’s mixtape would be. New music I love? 90s Rap and R&B? Techno-mania? So I headed for my library and began really digging around. I’ve been using Music/iTunes since… well, I’m not sure, maybe the early 2000s? And thus, I have quite a trove of music to pull from. This is why I use Music, and why I offer these mixes as MP3s, and buy as much music as possible directly from artists, because we should own the things we love, not rent them out from corporations. Friendly reminder that Spotify is bad and you should cancel your subscription, but I digress. My library is filled with all kinds of wonders, of records that I put on and forgot about, old gems to be discovered.
This ended up leading me into a very ambient, sort of electronic route, music for rainy days. This past week Barcelona, and sadly, Spain more broadly, has seen a ton of rain this week. It felt fitting to create a mix that is lowkey but also quite mentally stimulating. There’s a lot of artists on here that I honestly couldn’t tell you anything about, with Actress, Florian TM Zeisig, and SOPHIE being the most recognizable. I was really happy how naturally and easily this mix flowed out. I spent more time on this mix, nearly a month, and paid carefully attention to how each track flowed into one another, with long transitions between each. I feel like this mix is good for cooking or while taking long trips, it gives me that kind of energy. I hope you enjoy it, and I’m very excited to say that I will be collaborating with on the December mix, our weird and edgy take on X-Mas songs! Happy November!